Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Hi.  My name is Leah Montgomery, and I am a craftaholic and a bakeaholic.  The last time I crafted or baked was...well...today...and I love every minute of it!  I am starting this blog to share my opinions on crafting, baking, cooking, and just about anything else that is homemade.  I will be searching for things to make, and let you know if I think it is worth making or worth skipping.  You may be asking, "What kind of expert is this girl that gives her the right to deem something worth making?"  Well...I'm not an expert!  That's the beauty of it!  I'm just like you.  A girl who likes to make stuff...and needs someone else to tell her how to do it!

I want to help you by sharing my experience with you.  Is it worth the time in your busy life to make it?  Is it worth the effort?  Do the directions actually create what you want?  How can you make it easier and better?  That is what I want to provide.  Hopefully you will enjoy reading and making some of it yourself!

A little about me.  I am 31 years old and live in the burbs in Snellville, GA.  Snellville is just about 20 minutes East of Atlanta.  I live in our cute little brick ranch with my hubby of almost 3 years [Matt], our sweet little baby girl of 2 months [Ellis], and our sneaky Chesapeake Bay Retriever [Chobee].  I have been a crafter and baker all my life, but by no means call myself an expert!  I just love doing it!  It combines my big artistic side with my smaller OCD side.  I love being creative, and I love doing it right! 

I hope you continue to read my blog and leave me comments.  I would also love suggestions on things to make!  If you are interested in making something, but want a guinea pig to try it out first, I'm your gal! 




  1. Your finished product looked yummy - very nice comfort food on a cold drizzly day!

    1. Thank you! Hot cocoa is always a good thing on a yucky day!
